Originally, this seller wanted $4,500 for both bikes on Craigslist and had the CL on eBay for a BIN of $3,000 and the CB for $2,500. Realizing the pipe dream he now needs to sell ASAP. He’s on the edge of what they are worth in the market at $3,000 for the running pair.
The problem is, he offers no detail in any of the ads. They look clean and original including paint but I don’t know. Why doesn’t he tell me about ownership history, maintenance, paint… maybe how he’s a great collector and is downsizing to buy a boat. Something.
“1968 Honda CL 450 Scrambler with 12127 miles, original owners manual, extra seat.
1973 Honda CB 450 with 24728 miles, saddle bags, sissy bar.
All the Extras: 2 tires, 2 manual books, lots of mirrors, chain, a plastic bin of parts.”
On Craigslist in Northern, Michigan.
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