Here is my first official, unofficial, endorsement and review of the site Personally, as winner of the World’s Best Garage award given out by EMPM Esq. and the consummate proponent of carpet in your garage, I do feel more than qualified to review this site. My testimony may be nothing more than a bunch of who-ha to all you pooch pouch pencil pushers (less EMPM Esq. respectively) who never actually visit the site. But like I said this is an official, unofficial, endorsement so view at your own risk.*
Helicopter observations:
– Swag store only has two or three muscle cars with bikini chicks on T-shirts. Any decent site would have much more.
– “Featured & Enhanced Car Property Ads” slide shown on home page has: books, cars, murals, ads and other junk rotating through. Let’s remember it’s titled is Car Property.
– “Amy’s Blog” hasn’t been updated in almost two months yet they rope you in with tagline “Amy’s Hot and so is her blog” plus this picture. News flash, this isn’t Amy.
– Design is “eh”
Why do I actually endorse the site then? Because it is devoted to homes with big, cool or museum quality garages.
* Actual risk determine by the amount of time you spend on the site and what you could have accomplished that was actually meaningful.
There is only one question that matters: do they have carpet?
Paul "Groosh" Grusche
I’ve seen lots of black and white square tile floors, painted cement and rubber molded mats… but carpet? You would have to be pretty irreverent to believe that would work.