1972 Rupp Go Jo – $1700 (Monroe)

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“I have a rare 1970’s Rupp Go Jo for sale. I picked this rare 4 wheeler up at an estate sale recently. The Go Jo looks great and runs great. It has a Chrysler 2 cycle outboard engine on it and it really runs. The auctioneer said it will go about 50mph, but I don’t know for sure. I don’t know the size of the engine, but I will try to find more information about it. It starts with one pull on the rope. These were the foundation or start of the 4 Wheeler ATV’s. They quit making these in 1972 or 73. These are very rare to find and really rare to find in this condition. This Go Jo is in very, very, very great condition, but has on crack on the right foot rest that I have pictured. These do not come up for sale very often. This is a vintage, collector, birth of the 4 wheeler idea, ATV from the early 1970’s. Where will you find another one. You can’t loose money on this Go Jo. The longer you keep this collector ATV the more money it will be worth. Send me your offer.” 

This thing is pretty interesting. On first blush it looks like a small child’s toy.  But take a look at the scale when you compare to the outdoor patio chairs in the background.  This thing is full size.  I have to agree it is a collectible.  But at $1700?  I’m in at $700.  

On Craigslist Ann Arbor.

3 Responses

    • Groosh

      This is a really cool kart but unfortunately the post was from 2012. The date is in the top right corner of the post. Best in your search!

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