1964 International Harvester Scout (Adrian area)

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Only 10,200 miles. They typically live a hard life but finding an original truck in Michigan with low miles and no rust is rare. Close bid auction.

On Ann Arbor Craigslist.

“Fairfield Township is accepting bids until April 6, 2015 at 5:00 pm. This will be sold “AS IS”. Fairfield Township reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. All bids must use the Scout Bid Form and are to be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Scout Bid” and sent to Debra Keller, 1023 Pine St, Jasper, MI 49248. Please visit fairfieldtownship.net — 1964 Scout, for additional information and bid sheet. Bid sheets can also be picked up at the Township office at above address or at the Firehall in Weston, MI at 9956 Brown St. If you would like to see the Scout, please call”

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