The most abundant energy source on earth yet it takes 65 square feet to power a pool table down the pavement. What is taking us so long to build technology that can put the genie in the bottle? I’ve talked to some pretty powerful patent attorneys who are still on the investment fence in solar tech. About the only real use I’ve gotten from a solar panel is trickle charging a car battery so our fan would work at Burning Man. Not really sure if it worked, I was soooo high man. You know the kinda high that brain alters your mind while asking your buddy did you see that fish? We were in the desert man!
Background photo: Dutch Team Takes First in the Solar Challenge in Australia. Delft University won the Solar Challenge last time around, covering the distance in 33 hours flat at an average speed of 56.46 mph. The Nuna 5 is not quite 16 feet long and just under 3 feet tall. Like it’s predecessor, Nuna 4, it is covered in 6 square meters — about 65 square feet — of gallium-arsenide photovoltaic cells but shed 64 pounds to weigh in at 352 pounds over last year. That’s like the same amount I bench or how much your mother weighs. Boo yah.
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