Playa Haters

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My morning ritual is to log on my computer and peruse the usual suspects of publications. I came across this article a while back and shared it with my friends and they all said, “ it was so me”.,0,4655518.story

Knowing my infinity for finer architectural design, exotic vehicles and someday to have unique garage such as this… I thought this chaps idea of a unique room constructed in and around a display case (garage) was not only functional but esthetically pleasing. All right, I know what a lot of reader are going to say at this very moment. However, there’s a lot of us car loving people out there who would in some way do something very similar if given the opportunity and a very, very understanding wife.

Well it seems that the neighbors and zoning commission board have now a different slant on the matter. I hope that this couple get their variance approved so he can retain this very unique feature of this home. Hmm…I truly wonder if he hadn’t received the attention from the original article written about this unique home if this would have still gone in front of review board.

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