1956 Vespa Allstate 125cc Sidecar – College Bound Looking for Wheels?

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So you’re going to be a college freshman stud in need of wheels for ’round town and that hot Saturday night dating scene.  More specifically, you’d like to start getting laid.  Let me offer some guidance by breaking down this ride like a fraction for potential Betty backlash.  
One, we see that it’s a Vespa.   Unfortunately you’re not a sensitive artist type or a tree-hugging-gas-sipping-broke-back, so out of the box it’s strike one.  Not that there is anything wrong with the fore mentioned lifestyles but you’re looking to be macho and bag yourself a Betty post haste.  
Hmmmm… what’s this?  How you doin’.  Nothing says male splendor like a big throbbing sidecar.  Subliminally it opens the door to riding the wild stallion the moment she hops aboard.  Well done.  
However going back to point one we see your side pe… I mean sidecar is strapped to a Vespa.  It’s not going to take her long to question your masculinity with all that free thinking time between stoplights.  We’re going to have to recommend a pass on this ride for you my young friend.

Tune in next time when we analyze another potential ride for our college freshman stud.

On Craigslist in Ypsilanti, Michigan for $4,500.

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